Some of these objects convert items where others grant the ability to create new ones.
Smith items to wear, wield and build with.
Refine lumber and craft furniture.
Basic fire used for basic cooking or simple comfort.
Complete with an iron pot, this can be used to cook a variety of things.
Produce ingots with high heat, which can then be used as materials for construction or smithing.
Large copper pot with an oven which is used for brewing beverages.
Vessel for creating wort, which can then be cooked in the Kogelpot.
A single wicker beehive set atop a table which is used to collect a small amount of honey consistently.
A collection of wicker beehives in a covered shelter which is used to collect a large amount of honey consistently.
Used to process animal carcasses, which can yield meat, hides, bones, antlers, horns, hooves, etc.
Collects ground water which is often safe to drink and cook with.
A place to change your gender, hair style, skin tone, and dye colors.
Since all storage containers can hold any genre of item, the different models provide an opportunity to decorate and organize based on appearance.
Using a bed will place a navigation point on your compass as well as establish a point for you to respawn upon death.
Though some things can be altered, such as colors and patterns, these objects are crafted and then placed as a whole, rather than in parts.
Fuel: Wood
Toggled: On / Off
Fuel: Wood
Toggled: On / Off
Fuel: Wax
Toggled: On / Off
Fuel: Wax
Toggled: On / Off
Fuel: Wax
Toggled: On / Off
Fuel: Wax
Toggled: On / Off
Objects placed for aesthetics.
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