Seven Wildz is a medieval survival experience which takes place throughout seven fiefs of a single kingdom plagued by the seven sins. Enough sevens for you? We don't stop there! Within those seven fiefs are seven virtues which run them! The outcome of this world depends on the choices you make! Do you assist the virtues in creating a peaceful, pure environment? Or do you thwart them by aiding the sins in their agenda? Maybe you stay completely neutral...
No matter your choice, this online sandbox will be a toon-like escape from every-day life.
Online Multi-Player
Online Co-Op
Come 2024 I plan on joining the Patreon community. Why 2024? Well, I want to make sure that I have enough content to showcase before offering rewards to supporters. The game itself is planned to enter a soft release this year, 2023, on discount during early access.
Seven Wildz will be a one-time purchase, with future updates released free to its owners. Patreon would help to ensure future development on the game after release.
There IS a donation link through PayPal on the home page! However, there aren't any rewards for those donations as it stands today... The money simply helps to keep the site live and development flowing.
Once Seven Wildz enters the Patreon community my goal will be to work on it full time. It's important that I give peace-of-mind the game will be released, not as a money-bucket, but as a world we can all enjoy for many, many years to come.
To be determined.
To be determined.
To be determined.
To be determined.
To be determined.
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