"There is no strength without unity."
Vice: Superbia
Virtue: Humilitas
City: Goldenglough
Village: Mallow Skipper
Vice: Invidia
Virtue: Humanitas
City: Underidge
Village: Metal Mark
Vice: Gula
Virtue: Temperantia
City: Meritide Bay
Village: Plum Judy
Vice: Luxuria
Virtue: Castitas
City: Rabit Hutch
Village: Painted Lady
Vice: Ira
Virtue: Patientia
City: Emberdale
Village: Spice Bush
Vice: Avaritia
Virtue: Caritas
City: Vandylcourt
Village: Swallow Tails
Vice: Acedia
Virtue: Industria
City: Slumberton
Village: Speckled Wood
There's contrast within each faction of The Garden; it's up to those within to decide the path of their moral compass.
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