No. The foundation has been designed for a multi-player experience from the beginning, but an MMO requires resources that I don't have at this time. The sandbox gameplay is specifically targeted towards smaller groups of players, or solo play.
The end goal is to have official dedicated servers for players to join with a larger population limit. However, on initial release, players will be able to join each other peer-to-peer. That means that the host will act as the server. Depending on stability during testing the population for a game will be a maximum of 8 to 16 players.
Yes. The goal is to have your character stay consistent whether you're playing alone or with friends, keeping items that are equipped or being carried in your inventory.
Upon death your equipment and loot stay with your corpse. You'll respawn at the last bed you slept in, whether it's at your home or located at the nearest inn, etc. Should you find your way back to your grave before your corpse is looted by other players, you'll be able to reclaim your items.
There are no set classes in Seven Wildz. Your playstyle is all that matters!
None! Well, not at first anyways. Though the land is plagued by the seven sins, that doesn't automatically grant you magic powers in order to combat evil! Nope; you have to find magic, and it's rare. Ooooo baby is it rare! However, should you find magic, well... nobody can take that away from you.
Good question! You're required to aim at your target using the crosshair. In order to achieve melee damage your animations must make contact with the enemy. While using ranged weapons you can expect to hit enemies so long as you're accurate.
Feel free to decide if you're masculine or feminine; there are no specific genders assigned. Pick your skin tone, hair style, hair color, and dye your equipment as you see fit. All of these options can be changed at anytime during play so long as you can find a wardrobe or similar object.
I've chosen not to specify male or female. By choosing whether to be masculine or feminine your physical appearance will change, but that doesn't limit you as to what hair styles, clothing, etc. are available. Be whatever you want!
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